Prix de Diane & Celeriac Soup


2 celeriac knobs, peeled and chopped medium

1 onion, diced

4 cups broth, vegetable or chicken

1 Prix de Diane, overly ripe with the paste scooped out from the rind

2 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tsp garam masala  

Optional garnish: parsnip crisps.

1. Sauté the celeriac and onion in the olive oil until just browned.

2. Add the broth and simmer until the celeriac is soft.

3. Stir in the Prix de Diane and garam masala. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Place in a blender and blend into smooth.

5. To make optional parsnip crisp garnish, use your peeler to make several long strips. Cook them fast in warm oil just until brown. Garnish your soup and serve.


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